Are you ready to start a healthy lifestyle? Do you wish to have only high-quality and healthy products on your table? Excellent! Good intentions, however, are not everything. The first problem you are going to face on the very first day of your healthy life is a question, how to choose the most suitable products.
To pre-empt any rationalisations on how unfair producers hide not only useless, but even harmful products under the ‘eco’ labels, we would only like to remind you – look for the ones labelled with a keyhole. It is a label for ordinary, but healthier products as compared with other products of the same category. The products with a keyhole symbol contain less sugar, salt, saturated fats, trans-fats, contain no synthetic sweeteners and more nutritious fibres in the grain-based products. The symbol ‘Keyhole’ is a trademark registered in the European Union and was permitted to be used in Lithuania by the Swedish National Food Agency (the owner of the trademark). This symbol is the most common in Europe among the trademarks of similar purpose. It is used to label food products in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Macedonia and Lithuania.
It is forbidden to use any substitutes in the products labelled with a ‘Keyhole’ symbol that can increase the calorific content of product, increase its glycaemic index or otherwise reduce the usefulness of the product (e.g. when reducing the content of saturated fats in a product, they cannot be replaced with starch or synthetic food products, but can be supplement with leguminous, lentils, artichokes, various vegetables, etc.). Thus, the product has to become healthier in all cases. The product line ‘Iš gamtos kraitės’ of UAB Gudobelė labelled with this symbol complies with all the requirements applied to healthy products, therefore, you can boldly put them on your family’s table. From now on, your sandwiches, toasts, crisps and snacks will be healthier and tasteful: you have made a right choice by taking a glance through the keyhole!